March Newsletter

Building our interactive walking path!

This spring, Forêt Capitale Forest will build an interactive and educational walking path through our Base of Operations which is home to the Red Barn Food Forest and many interesting afforestation projects! We plan to open our projects to the public to gain awareness of our current afforestation projects, inspire local communities and grow local accessibility to nature. 

Alongside your help FCF, will be able to plant hundreds of native forbs and food-bearing shrubs adorning the pathway! Pictured here are the hundreds of forbs and shrubs that we’ve begun to grow from cuttings and seeds to be planted along the pathway!

Reminder! Unique and interactive workshop coming up!

A reminder that Forêt Capitale Forest Directors will be speaking at an amazing workshop on Saturday, March 25th on CARE AND CONSIDERATION FOR FOOD-BEARING TREES. Located at the La Pêche Organic Orchard (POCO), this site offers a unique hands-on opportunity for demonstrating early spring maintenance tasks that allow trees, bushes, and vines to flourish. Register here if you are interested in attending!

Check your calendars!

Keep your eyes peeled for upcoming events in our FCF Calendar. We are beginning to update the calendar for events and ways to get involved this planting season! We will have many opportunities for help with tree and shrub care at our Base of Operations and at tree planting locations across the national capital region!

Just Food Community Farm bike safety

For volunteers who may attend events at our Base of Operations by bike. A reminder that riding bicycles is not allowed on the farm, though cyclists may walk their bikes through the farm when visiting. Since we are direct neighbours of the Women Warriors’ Healing Garden at the Just Food Community Farm…

“A Reminder from Women Warriors’ Healing Garden

As Spring is soon here and the equines will be walking on the roads, we ask you all to observe the safety rules for sharing trails with equines:

  • Riding bicycles is not allowed, though cyclists may walk their bikes through the farm when visiting; 
  • If you are approaching from behind. Do not get closer than 300 yards.  Allow the walkers to move the equines off the road and pass slowly and with caution; 
  • Please don’t stop and interact with the animals and walkers. Both are concentrating on their walking activity. 

Thanks for helping us all use the Farm in safety and respect. “

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