Tree Planting Events


FCF hosts many planting events for various groups including, but not limited to, corporate groups, local community associations, community leaders and youth groups.

We provide guidance and resources for the latest adaptive afforestation management practices that ensure trees reach a state of maturity. Fôret Capitale Forest relies on the support of community stewardship. 

Big Plans for Small Forests Kickoff

Lawn conversion guilds at FCF's Base of Operations

On the cool, crisp morning of May 2nd, a boisterous team of people from Tree Canada and Reactine (the wonderful sponsor of this project) joined the Forêt Capitale Forest to plant out the Lawn Conversion / Tree Guild demonstration plots at the FCF Base of Operations. These plots are meant to be living examples of what is possible in small spaces.

Girl Guides Tree Planting Event 

A unit of Girl Guides helped us plant 30 food bearing trees in our Red Barn Food Forest at the Just Food Community Farm on May 7th, 2022. The team helped lift and pot up some of the pawpaw seedlings. The group planted food bearing trees such as apple, paw paw, chestnut, mountain ash, and hazelnut trees.

Hog’s Back Park

Volunteer planting at Hog's Back Park

In collaboration with one of the largest landowners in the region, Forêt Capitale Forest has been working with the National Capital Commission (NCC) to plant hundreds of trees at Hog’s Back Park and will continue to grow the relationship with the NCC and various sponsors at other sites. So far, we’ve planted approximately 500 trees at Hog’s Back Park since the fall of 2021.

Aviation Parkway

In collaboration with the NCC and sponsored by Thistledown Foundation, we planted 200 native trees along the Aviation Parkway in October 2022. Some of native tree species planted include silver maple, beech, basswood, hackberry, ironwood, and yellow birch! This event marks growth towards our mission of increasing the tree canopy in the National Capital Region.

One Tree Planted

In partnership with One Tree Planted and Tree Canada, Forêt Capitale Forest hosted a team of 40 volunteers from Kyndryl to plant trees at our Base of Operations in September 2022. Overcast weather made for a great day to plant 160 trees. The team of volunteers planted an evolved orchard and nut grove using the principles described in Mycorrhizal Planet (By Michael Philips).

This team also completed the tree planting requirement of our Miyawaki Tiny Forest Demonstration Plots, marking an end to three months of planting more than 1000 trees!

Tree Planting Highlights

Chelsea Planting Event – Spring 2023

We held a tree planting event in Chelsea, Quebec in the Spring of 2023. This event marked 2 years of partnership and collaboration with the NCC to increase the local native tree canopy. 

Our afforestation practices follow a model of tree maintenance and tree care until the trees are established and free to grow. We depend upon the support of volunteers to us monitor the trees after they have been planted. If you are interested in stewarding the National Capital Region’s newest forests, please sign up to volunteer.

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