We have begun to develop and to launch a tree sapling harvesting and replanting program, informed by the highly successful model in the Netherlands. The program will harvest wild saplings of regional tree species, support them to optimal replanting age, plant and monitor new trees in vetted locations.
We will work with partners to adapt our model to a local context and ensure all key elements are integrated, including tree/sapling identification, sustainable harvesting, risk mitigations (pest/disease), health and safety planning, purchase/management of supplies, secure land for harvesting and tree sapling transfer sites, and identify and secure sites for future planting projects.
The project will expand community tree hubs across Ottawa (building on their successful model at the Just Food Farm) to provide temporary or permanent locations to house/grow harvested tree saplings and provide community outreach and education around tree identification, seed collection, planting, harvesting, monitoring and support.
Capacity Building
To support our efforts in developing a tree sapling harvesting and and replanting program, we are establishing a certified tree seed collection team. That team will lead tree seed forays. To build our capacity to house and ensure healthy tree stock we have a tree seedling structure and tree seedling area located at our base of operations at the Just Food Community Farm.

Our tree seedling structure exists for potting up and housing those seeds into seedlings before they are moved into the tree seedling area. We hope these activities increase our supply of healthy, native tree species and buffer us from supply chain issues as Forêt Capitale Forest grows.

The tree seedling area is dedicated for tree seedlings and saplings to grow from our seed collection forays and seedling rescue program. This area also ensures that trees needing relocation have a temporary home before they are re-established in their final destination sites to grow to maturity! This is a critical component of our capacity building plan and is also referred to as the Forêt Capitale Forest “community tree hub”.
- Sapling information sheet (English)
- Stratification information sheet (English)
Tree Forums
To expand community tree hubs across the Ottawa, we will be hosting workshops centred on tree sapling harvesting and tree seed collection as well as other key elements of a tree sapling harvesting and replanting program.

Our first workshop we will be focused on the early stages of tree establishment and growth. We will hear from forestry specialists and learn the basics of tree seed collection through a hands-on workshop including a seed foray on the Just Food property (a former tree nursery).