Open NCC 2023

Want a great way to close out National Forest Week? Join us on Saturday, September 23rd at our Base of Operations to see some Tiny Forest Demonstration Plots, learn about the Miyawaki Method of afforestation, and tour around the site as part of the city-wide Open NCC event. We are listed as a self-guided farm tour, but there will be […]

National Tree Day

We are happy to be participating in 2 events on this upcoming National Tree Day (Wednesday, September 20, 2023). In our role as alternate Forestry Specialist for Tree Canada for the eastern Ontario region, we are helping guide their sold-out event at Insmill Park in Kanata (see details at this link). Given that the event has sold out, and we […]

August Newsletter

Hello FCF Supporters! As we approach the end of summer, we are excited to share the recent changes and activities that have happened with FCF! As always, we would like to thank our volunteers for their ongoing support and dedication to our projects. Making Progress on Our Walking Path Over the summer, FCF has been hard at work constructing an […]

Food-bearing Trees in your Personal Edible Landscapes

Our mission is to increase the biodiversity and increase the number of trees planted in the National Capital region while connecting and engaging people to care for these new spaces. We specialize in afforestation on public lands in Ottawa, but also want to empower individuals to transform their spaces. Our base of operations is located in Blackburn Hamlet at the […]