One of our latest projects is to develop and launch a tree sapling harvesting and replanting program, informed by a highly successful model in the Netherlands. This project will expand community tree hubs across Ottawa to provide temporary or permanent locations to house/grow harvested tree saplings and provide community outreach and education around tree identification, seed collection, planting, harvesting, monitoring and support.

We hope these activities increase our supply of healthy, native tree species and buffer us from nursery supply chain issues as Forêt Capitale Forest grows its capacity. Our seedling area is dedicated to growing tree seedlings and saplings sourced from FCF-raised stock, from our seed collection forays and seedling rescue program. They will grow at this site until they are ready to be transplanted to their permanent home. We are excited to share that the Seedling Area at our Base of Operations has approximately 1,300 trees and an additional 100 shrubs planted. Over the next few years all will be transplanted to permanent homes in the National Capital Region.
With your help, we can continue to grow our community tree hub through an increased capacity to grow native trees adapted to our local environmental conditions from seed leading to a more resilient local tree canopy.